EK-Company AG Sustainability Principles & Targets covers all activities over which our business leads operational control.
This site describes the main sustainability principles and targets of the EK-Company AG and presents the non-financial performance indicators of the company.
Sustainability Principles
Social sustainability
Social sustainability is what many people think of when they think of “sustainable development”. This pillar of sustainability refers to ensuring that everyone has access to essentials such as clean water, adequate food, healthcare, shelter and human rights. Social sustainability also means making sure that workers aren’t exploited or discriminated. These aspects play a big role in sustainable supply chains. The EKC.AG concern of the observance of these principles, acting responsible along all company’s activities.
Act responsible!

Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability is as important as the others, but is often the one that sparks the most debate. The definition of economic sustainability is practices that support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental and cultural aspects of the community. It’s not just about economic performance today, but the ability for future generations to perform well economically, too. That can’t be achieved if sustainability overall is lacking. EKC.AG implements different and innovative approaches to achieve this goal.
Think Different!
Environmental sustainability
The aspect of sustainability that most people are familiar with is environmental sustainability. It means making sure we don’t overuse natural resources to the point where we run out of them or destroy the environment. Put another way, it’s about the sustainable management of natural resources. Most would agree that the way we currently use natural resources is not sustainable. Innovations and changes in this area can help protect global ecosystems and biodiversity, ensure clean water and air, and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. In striving to support environmental sustainability, EKC.AG constantly is being optimized, implementing environmentally friendly sources in different areas of company’s life and activities, whether it is raw materials or means of transportation of employees.
Be sustainable!

Sustainability Targets
2022 - 2023
- EcoVadis sustainable certification during 2022 and improvement of achieved score during 2023
- In target of biodiversity, switching of part of our raw materials portfolio to bio and bio-based raw materials
- ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) audit and certification during 2022
- ISO 14001 audit and certification during 2023
- ISO 45001 audit and certification during 2023
- Making sure employees and the people we work with stay healthy and safe: nurturing talent, promoting diversity and inclusion, fostering social dialogue and safeguarding human rights
- In targets of overall sustainability: to cooperate with other companies applying, supporting sustainable principles and striving for sustainable development
- Headquarter of EKC.AG will move in 2023 to a new building which is built with the last sustainability recommendations and energy standards like KFW55, more under www.skyoneoffices.de
- All company cars which run out will be replaced by electric vehicles

Sustainability Results
- EKC.AG has successfully passed SGS Germany GmbH audit and achieved ISCC Plus certification: ISCC-PLUS-Cert-DE100-12955122
- Following raw materials became a part of our product portfolio: bio-acetic acid, biomethanol, bio-based ethyl acetate
- EKC.AG has passed EcoVadis certification
- In 2022 we use already over 75% electric or hybrid vehicles in car park
- EKC.AG continues supporting diversity in the form of multinationality: Employees and representatives come from Germany, Latvia, Turkey and China
- Our female/male ratio is nearly 50/50
- From 2022 most of our partners are implementing and supporting sustainability principles